Tiled Onboarding

How can we help creators learn a new tool in their first try?
Professional | 2021
The situation: Tiled, a platform for creating microapps without code, wanted to further develop its self-onboarding experience with designers. We began by researching current users to discover pain points in their experience, and isolated product education as a target area.

The goal: Improve self-onboarding journey by adding educational experiences to guide users through the process of creating their first microapps.

Persona: Graphic, digital, or UX/UI designers who work in-house, at agencies, or as freelancers.

User Journey

After our user research, we mapped out the onboarding journey from sign-up to publishing their 3rd microapp (when users will reach the limit of their free account) and isolated four core experiences to improve (shown in aqua).
Experience 1
Welcome to Tiled
We decided to focus first on the initial “welcome” when users first log in. Though we were specifically focusing on introducing useful concepts for our design persona, we were aware other users would use this experience as well, so we wireframed multiple paths.
Experience 2
Builder Help
The second experience we focused on was actually the third in the user’s journey: it would launch the first time they entered the builder and be accessed subsequently from a “help” icon. This experience needed to directly address pain points found from lack of builder understanding.